Due to destruction that Sandy left in it’s wake, the majority of R&G Brenner’s telecommunications, electricity & IT have been crippled. There is no telling how long it will take to restore all utilities as 90% of Long Island (where our executive headquarters is located) is without power. Fortunately, our website and our email server are still operational. If you need to get in contact with us, please do so by clicking here.
We are working to get our Midtown Manhattan office up and running on all backup systems hopefully by 9am November 1st. Until all utilities are restored, we will be directing all inquires to this office. Please understand that the tunnels and public transportation in New York City are still days if not weeks away from returning to full staff & service. Therefore, while we will do our best to accommodate all clients, it may take longer than usual to fulfill all requests as we will be working with a bare-bones staff.
Benjamin K. Brenner, President