NJ & NY Ranked Worst Tax Climates For Business
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According to the Tax Foundation–a Washington D.C. based research firm–New Jersey & New York Sates were ranked the worst climates in the United States for business.
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According to the Tax Foundation–a Washington D.C. based research firm–New Jersey & New York Sates were ranked the worst climates in the United States for business.
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I am pleased to announce the location of our new Midtown Manhattan office!
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Even in the face of severe federal & state deficits, many tax benefits are due to raise for tax year 2012 (calendar year 2013). By law, tax provisions are required to keep pace with inflation. The new dollar amounts affecting most taxpayers are:
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The old adage that “you get what you pay for” is compounded when applied to free income tax preparation…In fact, a free tax return may cost taxpayers more than they bargained for. The title of a report filed by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) sums it up frankly: Accuracy of Tax Returns, the Quality Assurance Processes, and Security of Taxpayer Information Remain Problems for the Volunteer Program.
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The White House has created an online tool that allows users to enter how much taxes they paid and get a printable receipt showing how each dollar was spent. Whether your happy about where your tax dollars are going or it makes you a little unsettled to know, curiosity may be too strong not to try it.
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Today is the day that the Internal Revenue Service will begin accepting all tax returns that have been delayed filing this year.
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R&G Brenner Branch Offices are open tax season business hours as of today. To schedule an appointment please contact the branch you are interested in or use our online appointment scheduler.
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Most taxpayers will be able to submit their returns beginning January 14th when Electronic Filing begins. However, if you fall into any of these three categories your filing will be delayed and your tax return will not be accepted until Mid to Late February.
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Congress was finally able to come to an agreement regarding the tax cuts that were set to expire at the end of this year. They have passed a bill that will effect all income levels. The bill will basically keep the Bush era tax cuts and allow for a few other tax saving provisions. Lawmakers did not think it would be prudent to increase taxes in this economy and their plan is to give tax savings that will allow for economic growth.