IRS: Deductible Moving Expenses
0 minute read
The following video from the IRS explains what qualifies as deductible moving expenses:
0 minute read
The following video from the IRS explains what qualifies as deductible moving expenses:
3 minutes read
Banks Get 1 Year Delay For Basis Reporting
1 minute read
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Internal Revenue Service has only three years to impose additional taxes in a tax shelter case, instead of six years like the government wanted.
2 minutes read
Managing Your Tax Records After You Have Filed
7 minutes read
It’s one of the worst tax time scenarios: You discover while doing your taxes — or you just know without even doing them —that you owe taxes, and you don’t have the cash. What should you do?
4 minutes read
If he were in charge of travel, the Soup Nazi might say, “No Passport for you!” In real life, travel may seem unrelated to taxes, except perhaps for those annoying airport taxes on international destinations. But a bigger tax and travel connection could keep you at home—permanently.
14 minutes read
Even if it is too late to do anything about this year’s returns, it is a good time to start planning for next year’s. At the root of the most common blunders are three types of taxable fund payouts: interest income, dividends and capital gains. While all three are subject to a complex web of tax rates and regulations, investors can limit their tax bills by understanding their funds, planning carefully and staying abreast of tax changes in Washington....
3 minutes read
The Internal Revenue Service is reminding U.S. citizens and resident aliens, including those with dual citizenship who have lived or worked abroad during all or part of 2011, that they may have a U.S. tax liability and a filing requirement in 2012.
5 minutes read
“Why me?” is the plaintive cry from most taxpayers facing an examination from the IRS. You can ask the auditor why all day long, but he’ll just shrug and say, “I don’t know. I’m just doing my job.” Once in a while an auditor may give you her best guess as to why you were selected, but don’t count on it.